Physical Exams Conveniently Performed Near El Cenizo, TX
Is your child is getting ready to advance to the next grade in school, play a new sport or head off to summer camp? Or are you gearing up to start a new job? In any of these scenarios, seeing a medical provider for a physical examination is the best way to ensure that you are healthy enough to participate in the intended activities both fully and safely. If you would like, you can check this item off your to-do list today with the help of the team at VitalMed Urgent Care. We perform physical exams on a walk-in basis at our two office locations near El Cenizo, Texas. Stop by at your convenience, and we will complete the necessary examination right away.
Why Are Physical Exams Needed?
School, sports, camp and employment physicals are performed with a specific purpose in mind: to check your general health and look for issues that could interfere with your performance in your new venture. The team at VitalMed performs customized physical exams based on the patient’s age, gender and intended activities. Although the specific requirements can vary depending on the type of exam you need, you can generally expect a basic health screening that will include a review of your:
- Personal and family medical history
- Height and weight
- Heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and other vital signs
- Eyes, ears, nose, lungs and throat
- Posture, flexibility and joint function
- Vaccination record
Many schools, athletic organizations, camps and employers provide a form that must be completed by the healthcare professional who performs the physical. So, if you received this type of form, please be sure to bring it with you when you visit our urgent care center for your exam. Also, please keep in mind that these types of physical exams are performed for a specific and limited purpose, and they are not intended to substitute for more comprehensive annual wellness checkups.
Let’s Set the Stage for Your Success
Regardless of the type of adventure you are about to embark on—school, sports, camp or work—the team at VitalMed Urgent Care wants to see you succeed, and that begins with appropriate medical clearance. We also understand that this is a busy time for you. By performing physical exams without an appointment, we make the process a little less hectic for our patients. Come to our urgent care center near El Cenizo, today.