Pre-Participation Physical Exams Performed Near Hebbronville, TX
Many schools, athletic leagues, camps and employers require pre-participation physical exams. If you need an examination completed by a medical professional before you start a new venture, come to VitalMed Urgent Care near Hebbronville, Texas. We perform administrative physicals—and a full range of other non-emergency healthcare services—on a walk-in basis. We know you’re busy, and we value your time. We’ll help you take care of this detail quickly so you can focus on moving forward.
What Do Pre-Participation Physical Exams Involve?
Administrative physicals are slightly different than annual wellness physicals, which are designed to provide an overview of your general health. On the other hand, “special purpose” physicals are performed with a specific goal in mind: to confirm that you are healthy enough to safely participate in your intended activities.
With that said, all physical exams include several key components. When you visit VitalMed for a physical, your provider will assess your health by:
- Discussing your personal medical history, including any illnesses, allergies, surgeries, medications and immunizations
- Reviewing your family health history, including any major medical conditions such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes
- Checking your vital signs, including your blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature
- Using a stethoscope to listen to your heart, lungs and digestive system
- Inspecting your eyes, nose and throat
- Using an otoscope to examine your ear canals and eardrums
- Touching your abdomen to check the size and shape of certain organs
Based on the results of your physical exam, your provider may order follow-up testing, such as blood work, urinalysis or X-rays.
We Perform Physical Exams Without an Appointment
It can be challenging to secure a last-minute appointment with a primary care physician or pediatrician, especially during back-to-school season and other busy times. But the team at VitalMed Urgent Care is always available to perform pre-participation physical exams. Why not stop by one of our offices near Hebbronville, TX, and have your physical completed today?