Headache Treatment in Laredo, TX
Like many people, you probably experience head pain from time to time. Although a headache can be uncomfortable and disruptive, it is not necessarily a cause for concern. Headaches can develop for a variety of reasons, and some—such as anxiety, loud noise, lack of sleep and an incorrect eyeglass prescription—are unrelated to an underlying medical condition.
With that said, it’s always best to see a health care provider for headache treatment if you notice anything out of the ordinary, such as severe or frequent head pain. The experienced and caring team at VitalMed Urgent Care in Laredo, Texas, is here to help you feel better fast.
Some common types of headaches include:
Tension Headaches
Due to stress, fatigue, poor posture or strong emotions, the muscles in your scalp, face and neck may contract or spasm, creating mild to moderate pressure that feels like a tight band wrapped around your forehead. Tension headaches often come and go, lasting for a few minutes up to a few months. Usually, the pain can be managed with home remedies such as rest, relaxation, postural improvement, heat or ice applications and over-the-counter pain relievers. If you have chronic tension headaches, a VitalMed provider may suggest that you try therapeutic massage, chiropractic treatment or prescription pain medication.
Recurrent, throbbing headaches that usually affect only one side of your head, migraines occur for reasons that are not yet fully understood. Researchers believe that a combination of genetic and environmental factors may be at play. Migraines can be triggered by stress, certain foods, skipping meals, changes in sleep patterns and hormonal fluctuations. Immediately before a migraine strikes, you might experience some warning signs, such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light or strong odors, blind spots or tingling in your arms or legs. The throbbing pain of a migraine can last for several hours or days. Although migraines can’t be cured, a VitalMed provider can suggest a headache treatment plan to help you manage your symptoms.
Much like any other form of pain, a headache is your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t right. If accompanied by weakness, numbness, loss of balance, speech difficulties or mental confusion, a headache can be a sign of a serious underlying condition. If you experience those symptoms, you should seek emergency medical attention.
If you have questions or would like to talk with a health care provider about headache treatment, please feel free to contact or visit VitalMed Urgent Care in Laredo, TX.